Reservation application

Select a product(flying place)
Flight Type
  • DATE
  • TIME
Total Price

5000 Kc

1,000 Kc = approx. 40 euro

  • Other questions

  • captcha
    Please enter the automatic registration protection number in order.

    By clicking BOOK, You agree that you have read and understood our Privacy statement.

    After we check the flight schedule,
    we will send you confirmation by E-mail or SNS (Whats App)

    1. Join Flight would be canceled, if the minimum number of applicants is less than 4.
    2. The exact meeting time is notified after the weather check one day before the schedule.
    3. For a hot air balloon flight, the pilot decides whether to fly according to the weather condition and the flow of air. It means that pilot could cancel the flight even boarding is completed due to 'flight safety clause', when the sky atmosphere becomes unstable.
    4. Total price should be paid to pilot on the spot after completing the flight.
    5. Inquiry or questions can be consulted via Email, and SNS (WhatsApp)

      Whats App ID : Prahaballoon
      Consultation is available 8am-5pm of local time
      (Czeck Republic, Europe)